Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Once every year, I get hit with this MONSTER cold that just knocks me flat! Well, guess what I woke up with this morning?

Mind you, I felt just fine when I went to bed last night. This morning, I awoke feeling like I'd swallowed sandpaper and a lit match! I had the headache, the nasal congestion, and a hideous cough, but, thankfully, no fever. My daughter seems to have it too, though not as bad. So far, my two younger munchkins are fine. I, on the other hand, feel like I got run over by a truck!!

That's not the only thing that I find "yucky" at the moment. Yesterday, while listening to a christian radio station, I heard a sound clip of Oprah Winfrey saying that God only cares about what's in our hearts, not whether or not we call His Son by the name Jesus.

WRONG!! First, God knows what is in our hearts, and He told us in His Word that our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked! And, as I all ready said in an email to my hs group tonight, God's Word also tells me that there is NO OTHER name given among men whereby we must be saved. So yes, God cares what we call His Son!

Sadly, Oprah Winfrey long ago ceased to be a talk show host and since become a spiritual guru of sorts. It's a shame, because she is blind, and is leading the blind. It's obvious though, that she's searching. I hope she continues to search, and that one day she finds that Jesus, and He alone, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Imagine the influence she could have for Christ!! But in her present state? Yuck.

I would write more, but I feel yucky.

Even so, I am....
Blessed Beyond Measure

1 comment:

jeannie said...

I hope you get to feeling better...

Oprah just makes ME SICK!!!!! I use to watch her long time ago. What happen to her? Oh, I know MONEY ~ GREED and all the other WORLDLY THINGS.... YUCK is right....