Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

My Firstborn is 10 years old today!! Wow!!

I am so blessed. She's such a great kid! I know, that's what I'm supposed to say because she's mine, but there's more to it than that. Do you have any relatives that you love, but if that person was a stranger that you met, say a church, or at work, you wouldn't necessarily choose that person as a friend?

As I've watched my oldest daughter's personality develop, especially in the last year or so, I can honestly ( and proudly!) say that even if she were not my firstborn precious child, I WOULD be glad to have her for a friend!!

The Lord granted me the special, unfathomable blessing of being the one to lead my firstborn to Christ~during, of all things, a History lesson in the midst of our homeschool activities. She was in Kindergarten. The Lord gave me a gift in allowing me to be the one to lead her to Him, and I will forever be grateful for that.

This year, for the first time, we celebrated her birthday with a "big" party. We've always celebrated it, but our celebrations usually consisted of cake and ice cream shared at our kitchen table with just family. This year, she really wanted to share her birthday with family AND friends, and have games and such. So, we found a community center big enough to accomodate what she wanted, and we put together a fairly simple, but fun party for her. She REALLY had a good time, and I hope all her little friends had fun too.

She seems to be enjoying herself today too. The children of our church are learning about life in Biblical times during Children's Church. All 3 of my children are really enjoying this! Tonight, we will finish up a Bible study on recognizing and dealing with false preachers and false teachings within the church. It's a VERY interesting study!

My daughter, of course, is dying to go to the mall and spend her birthday money/gift cards. That, I'm afraid, will have to wait for another day. :) She'll survive :)

I'd like to share some thoughts from the study we've been doing, but I think I'll wait until the study is finished before I do that. Stay tuned! :)

1 comment:

T & A said...

Happy Birthday to a sweet girl! I'm sorry we missed your party. We were so bummed about it. I'm glad that you had a great time! We look forward to a play date with all of you soon!