Friday, January 25, 2008

Because Inquiring Minds Want to Know...Apparently

I've gotten several questions on the "10 Things...Just For Fun" post from a couple of days ago~so, here are some brief explanations.

My 8 trips to Walt Disney World~I visited the Magic Kingdom( the only park they had at the time) with my aunt when I was 6 or 7 years old, and I fell in love with the place. I visited there again at about age 10 when I tagged along with my Dad on a business trip in Orlando. That day at the Magic Kingdom with my Dad is one of my most treasured childhood memeories. I visited WDW again at about age 14, with my parents and a friend of mine. The next year, I went again, with just my parents. Then, dh and I spent a few days there on our honeymoon. We returned the following year, just for a couple of days. Then, in 2003, we spent a week there with our 3 kids. We did that again in 2005. We thought about going there again this spring, but we've decided to take a trip with my family to Myrtle Beach, SC instead.

A shrink wrap machine is the machine that seals things like cassette tapes, harcover books, and cd's in plastic before they are shipped to the stores.

I thought dh was a lot older than me because he's had gray in his hair since high school, and I thought he was married because the first time I saw him, he was with a girl, and I could have sworn I saw a ring on his hand~but that girl turned out to be his sister, and he wasn't wearing a ring.

It was my Mom who dared me to wear white high top tennis shoes under my wedding gown

The woman threatening to jump from a 3rd story window was a lady who was staying in the homeless shelter that my parents operated for 15 years. The night that happened, my Dad was out of town preaching somewhere, and my Mom was in bed, reovering from surgery.

The title of my Dad's book, Monkey Grass, came from the grass that was growing outside the office of the homeless shelter that we operated. The kids stomped on that stuff, yanked it up, trampled on it, and who knows what else, but no matter what, that stuff would NOT die! It just kept coming back, springing up out of the ground and growing, no matter what. Our family is like that too, doing our best to stand for the Lord, no matter what.

And there you have it....the rest of the story. :)

POSITIVE Media Influence

We all know about the dangers we and our kids face from the media. It's so easy to watch seemingly "innocent" tv show and movies, and read what we're told are "good" books, and still have our minds filled with trash.

But not all of it is bad. There IS good media out there!! So, have you ever seen a movie, or read a book that REALLY stuck with you~ in a GOOD way?~ Here are some of mine:

Facing The Giants
The Natural
Remember the Titans

Me? Obey Him? by Elizabeth Rice Handford
A Daily Rate by Grace Livingston Hill
The Book of Romance by Pastor Tommy Nelson ( based on Song of Solomon)
All 3 volumes in the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers

So, what about you? What books or movies have truly had a lasting, positive influence on your life? Leave a comment and share them with me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fishers of Men

I heard yet another message this morning, from the pastor of a Baptist church, telling his congregation of the great need for change in the church~the need to become "relevant" so that the lost will come into the church, and thereby come to know Christ and be saved.

I understand what this pastor is trying to say. I just think he's misguided.

I am firmly convinced that winning the lost should NOT be the main goal of the church. The church's MAIN goal should be to edify and equip the believer to go out WHERE THE LOST ARE, and show them Christ, leading them to Him.

I think one reason that more people aren't being saved is that so many christians think that it's up to the church to win the lost. They seem to think that as long as they show up for worship services and participate in all the appropriate programs, they are doing their part to win the lost.

That is so sad. Jesus never called "the church" to win the lost. He called INDIVIDUALS to be "fishers of men". The christians who came together in the churches in the New Testament came together to WORSHIP and to ENCOURAGE EACH OTHER and GROW each other, so that they could go out and share the gospel with others through their daily lives. The Word of God tells us that HE "added to the church daily, such as should be saved". That indicates to me that they were saved first, THEN added to the church.

I feel strongly about this because I've seen the effects that this "the church must do whatever it can to bring in the lost" mindset can have, especially on children and young adults.

A church that I used to attend had a nice little youth group. The young people did things together~they went on outings, and they had a youth Bible study, and they fellowshipped together in the church's gym and game room. The thing that stood out to me and my husband about these young people is that they always looked nice~some of them wore jeans and t-shirts, but they were clean, neat, and always appropriate. Then, a new youth pastor took over. This youth pastor was, and is, a fine young man, who truly loves the Lord, and has a heart for ministry to teens. But, he had fallen under this misguided notion that the church, and particularly his youth group, needed to do "whatever it took" to bring in the lost so that they could hear about Jesus.

Soon, the youth activities and outings took on a much greater importance than the Bible studies. At first, a FEW young people came in in ripped, baggy jeans and dirty, wrinkled shirts. A FEW girls wore tight and/or revealing clothes. Before long, ALL the young people were coming in to church on Sunday morning looking like they had dressed in whatever clothes they had thrown on the floor on Saturday night. Soon, the young people stopped attending services in the main auditorium at all, and instead held seperate services in the youth area. It became like 2 seperate churches. It was really sad.

There were a few young people saved in the youth services, and I praise God for that. But what about the damage done to the other kids in the youth group? What about those who lost any reverence for the house of God, and who began to view church as a social activity, rather than a time to worship God? Would they not have been better off to be taught how to go out and share Christ with their friends, THEN invite them to church, rather than turning the church into a teen hangout just so the lost would "feel comfortable" coming there?

It is my conviction that a church full of saved people is the LAST place where a lost person should feel COMFORTABLE. They should come there NOT to feel comfortable, but to see what it is that these saved people have that is missing from their own lives. The church should be DIFFERENT enough to make them wonder about it!

It's just really sad that so many churches have become so conformed to the world that they don't look different any more.


10 Things.....Just For Fun.

Someone asked me this in an email, but I thought I'd post it here, just for fun.

Name 10 Things You've Done that People Might Not Know About

1. I have visited Walt Disney World in Florida a total of 8 times.

2. I used to work as a shrink wrap machine operator.

3. I once worked as a Wal Mart cashier...and I HATED it!

4. The first time I ever saw my husband, I thought he was a lot older than me....and married! He was neither, by the way. :)

5. I was a bridesmaid for both my sisters, whose weddings were 4 weeks apart.

6. I got married wearing white high top sneakers under my wedding gown....on a dare.

7. I once talked a woman down from a 3rd story window, where she was threatening to jump.

8. I was voted Most Dependable in my Senior Class.

9. One of my favorite books to read is my Dad's unpublished autobiography, Monkey Grass.

10. I gave birth to our first child on the 5th anniversary of our first date.


Monday, January 21, 2008

I Don't Want it Anymore, Lord!!

I have, for SO long, paid lip service to the fact that myself, and all that I have, belongs to the Lord. While I've always SAID that, I don't know that I"ve really, truly, deep down, BELIEVED it.

It's a fact that our actions will follow our beliefs. Our actions will not necessarily follow what we SAY we believe. They will follow what we TRULY believe.

I know, on some level, that all that I have belongs to God, and that He is in ultimate control of everything. But, there MUST be a part ofme that doesn't truly BELIEVE that, because I continue to stubbornly insist on trying to control things myself. And you know what? It's exhausting! And? I"m done.

I"ve paid You lip service for too long. My life belongs to you, yet I try to control it. My money belongs to You, yet I try to manage it myself, then ask You to fix it when I screw up. My body is Yours, yet I abuse it by not caring for it as I should. Your Word tells me that the power over my body belongs to my husband, yet I give almost no thought as to whether he is pleased with it or not.

I decide what I want, then I plead with You to give it to me, and then I pout when you don't. The truth is, I"ve wanted control of everything, including what You do or don't do in my life!

I"m done, Lord. I'm so tired. I don't want that control anymore. It's not mine, it's Yours, and I was a fool to fight You for it. I want to present myself to You anew, Father, a living sacrifice, which is nothing more than my reasonable service.

I surrender my life, my body, my marriage, my children, our home, our money, our loved ones, my time, and my thoughts all to You, Father. I've been carrying a burden that I placed on myself, and I don't want it any more, Father. I ask You now to take it from me, and to let me rest in Your Arms, under Your control, and in Your loving care.
In the precious, sweet, holy name of Jesus I pray,

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Once every year, I get hit with this MONSTER cold that just knocks me flat! Well, guess what I woke up with this morning?

Mind you, I felt just fine when I went to bed last night. This morning, I awoke feeling like I'd swallowed sandpaper and a lit match! I had the headache, the nasal congestion, and a hideous cough, but, thankfully, no fever. My daughter seems to have it too, though not as bad. So far, my two younger munchkins are fine. I, on the other hand, feel like I got run over by a truck!!

That's not the only thing that I find "yucky" at the moment. Yesterday, while listening to a christian radio station, I heard a sound clip of Oprah Winfrey saying that God only cares about what's in our hearts, not whether or not we call His Son by the name Jesus.

WRONG!! First, God knows what is in our hearts, and He told us in His Word that our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked! And, as I all ready said in an email to my hs group tonight, God's Word also tells me that there is NO OTHER name given among men whereby we must be saved. So yes, God cares what we call His Son!

Sadly, Oprah Winfrey long ago ceased to be a talk show host and since become a spiritual guru of sorts. It's a shame, because she is blind, and is leading the blind. It's obvious though, that she's searching. I hope she continues to search, and that one day she finds that Jesus, and He alone, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Imagine the influence she could have for Christ!! But in her present state? Yuck.

I would write more, but I feel yucky.

Even so, I am....
Blessed Beyond Measure

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

My Firstborn is 10 years old today!! Wow!!

I am so blessed. She's such a great kid! I know, that's what I'm supposed to say because she's mine, but there's more to it than that. Do you have any relatives that you love, but if that person was a stranger that you met, say a church, or at work, you wouldn't necessarily choose that person as a friend?

As I've watched my oldest daughter's personality develop, especially in the last year or so, I can honestly ( and proudly!) say that even if she were not my firstborn precious child, I WOULD be glad to have her for a friend!!

The Lord granted me the special, unfathomable blessing of being the one to lead my firstborn to Christ~during, of all things, a History lesson in the midst of our homeschool activities. She was in Kindergarten. The Lord gave me a gift in allowing me to be the one to lead her to Him, and I will forever be grateful for that.

This year, for the first time, we celebrated her birthday with a "big" party. We've always celebrated it, but our celebrations usually consisted of cake and ice cream shared at our kitchen table with just family. This year, she really wanted to share her birthday with family AND friends, and have games and such. So, we found a community center big enough to accomodate what she wanted, and we put together a fairly simple, but fun party for her. She REALLY had a good time, and I hope all her little friends had fun too.

She seems to be enjoying herself today too. The children of our church are learning about life in Biblical times during Children's Church. All 3 of my children are really enjoying this! Tonight, we will finish up a Bible study on recognizing and dealing with false preachers and false teachings within the church. It's a VERY interesting study!

My daughter, of course, is dying to go to the mall and spend her birthday money/gift cards. That, I'm afraid, will have to wait for another day. :) She'll survive :)

I'd like to share some thoughts from the study we've been doing, but I think I'll wait until the study is finished before I do that. Stay tuned! :)

Friday, January 11, 2008

I Just Don't Want To Go There

Yesterday, I overheard a political discussion among 4 people~people who I believe were 2 married couples. I do not know these folks personally. I was at our local community theater waiting for my daughter's rehearsal to end, and quite frankly, I was more interested in the book I had brought along than in the conversation these folks were having~at least at first.

Then, I noticed that the tone of the conversation changed from friendly chatter to short remarks made in a snappish tone. In another minute or two, the reason became obvious. The 2 couples were discussing the candidates in the current presidential race.

You must understand, I wasn't actually TRYING to listen to this conversation. But, since we were all in the room together, I couldn't help hearing it. I was AMAZED at how quickly and dramatically the tone of the conversation changed when one gentleman stated that he and his wife were supporting a particular candidate, and asked the other other gentleman how they felt about that same candidate. Obviously, there was a difference of opinion! :)

This is not the first time I've witnessed a pleasant conversation becoming unpleasant at the mention of politics. At one time, I worked at a place where just about EVERYONE loved to discuss their political views. They also loved to discuss wich translation of the Bible they read, but that is another matter. Anyway, working there was like spending 8 hours a day in a war zone.
Probably because of that experience, I now don't discuss my political views with anyone outside my family. It's not that I'm "ashamed" of the candidate that I support by any means. I just choose not to discuss it because it opens doors I'd rather not walk through.

I sat yesterday evening listening to this conversation, and the thing that jumped out at me, aside from the QUICK change in the tone, was that the two men were arguing with each other, saying things like "If X becomes president, then he's going to do this, this and this, and it will be awful!" To which the other gentleman said "That's better than what will happen if Y becomes president!"

No one knows what will happen except God. The person who becomes our next president will be the person that God places in that position. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate. I don't believe that there is one single candidate with whom I would agree on EVERY point.

So, if that's the case, where do I cast my vote? Does my vote matter?

I believe the answer is yes, my vote absolutely DOES matter. I believe that voting is not only a right, but a responsibility given to each American.

I believe I also have a responsibility as a christian to look at each candidate as closely as possible, and to see if what they say and do measures up against Scripture. None will measure up perfectly, but chances are that one will come closer than the others. That person will have my vote.

WHOEVER next occupies the White House will have my prayers.

In His Love,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Good Reads

Over our Christmas break, I did something I haven't done in a long time. I read a few books that were fiction, just for entertainment. I read a LOT, but lately I've read mostly devotional books, and books read for informational purposes.

I've heard a lot about Francine Rivers and Karen Kingsbury, both writers of christian fiction. I confess, I have loved to read for as long as I can remember, but the only christian fiction I'd ever read was a series of Janette Oke books I got from the library of my christian high school. I found those books to be very sweet, and somewhat enjoyable, but a little, I don't know, dull or something. So, I'd never read Rivers or Kingsbury. Then, I was given some Barnes and Noble gift cards for Christmas. I decided I'd try one of each, so I got "The Scarlet Thread" by Francine Rivers, and "Even Now" by Karen Kingsbury. I LOVED them both! You would especially like The Scarlet Thread if you enjoy historical fiction.

I loved Even Now too, and I'm excited because I just found out that there is a sequel called Ever After. I can't wait to read it! I've also read excerpts from Karen Kingsbury's "One Tuesday Morning" and "Beyond Tuesday Morning", and I'm looking forward to reading both of those.
My sister has loaned me Francine Rivers " A Voice in the Wind" and it's sequel. I"ve almost finished it, and am looking forward to the sequel. So, if you're looking for a good book, check out some of these!

Comfortable Slippers

My husband gave me wonderful Christmas gifts this year, and I love them all, but I think one has become my favorite. He got me a wonderful pair of slippers that are absolutely the most comfortable things I have ever worn!! I would wear them everywhere if I could get away with it!!
I love the cozy, comfy feeling I get every time I slip my feet into them.

This got me to thinking about a lot of things in my life that I'm grateful for~things that give me the same cozy, familiar feeling as comfortable slippers.

I missed my prayer and Bible reading time for a few days during our Christmas break. When I finally did sit down again, when everyone else was asleep and I was on my favorite spot on the couch with a blanket, I opened my Bible and started reading, and I got that warm, cozy feeling~Just like comfortable slippers.

One of the things I am proudest of about our marriage is that I truly believe we are not just husband and wife, not just parents, not just servants of God together, and not even just 2 peole in love~we are truly FRIENDS. Night before last, I, as I so often do, let my mouth go into fast forward while my brain was still in nuetral, and I said some things I shouldn't have. In my defense, I DID have a valid point to make. Even my dh says so. It was the WAY in which I chose to make my point that caused tension between us. I hate when there is tension between us. But, the Lord gave me grace to apologize, and opened my dh's heart to accept that apology, and we had SUCH a good time last night, watching a football game together!! That won't sound so odd to you unless you know me well enough to know that I am not much of a football fan at all. But, being with my dh last night, watching him enjoy something that he loves, watching him be glad when his team ( thank goodness! ) won, and the easy, comfortable, conversation that passed between us was just like slipping back into your favorite pair of slippers.

I am thankful to my Lord and Savior for all the "comfy slippers" in my life!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rethinking Some Things, Part 2

Continuing my thoughts from my previous post:

I'd like to "tweak" some things within our family, mainly just to help establish and re-inforce some good habits for my children. I also need to re-arrange some things so that I can give my husband more of my full attention when he is home. He certainly deserves it.
As it stands right now, my husband gets up at 5am on weekdays, and leaves the house by 5:30 or so. He has no interest in eating that early, so I make him something for breakfast the night before~something he can take to work with him, like oatmeal in a Tupperware bowl, or toaster pastries, something like that. I also make him a lunch every day.
Anyway, he leaves the house at 5:30am, and we don't see him until about 2:30pm. This is just a "visit". He comes home from his full time job, spends a few minutes with us, grabs a snack, and sometimes checks his email or his fantasy football team, then he heads out to his part time job, where he must be by 3:15. He isn't home for the night until 7:30.

Usually, when he stops by in the afternoons, he plays with the kids for a few minutes, but I'm usually busy doing things. I need to plan a "break" during that time, so that I can spend a few minutes talking with him, or join in whatever he and the children are doing.

His schedule is another reason that the kids bedtime isn't until 10pm. I try to have dinner ready as soon as he gets home. I know 7:30 is late for some people to be eating dinner, but having dinner together is very important to our family. Letting the kids stay up until 10 gives them some time with Daddy in the evenings, which is SO important. So, I"m not planning any changes there.

There are just a couple of things I want to change about our schooling routine. First, both my girls need more work on grammar and spelling. The main thing though, is that I want to "carve out" a definite time each day to work with each child individually on math, reading, writing, and grammar, while we continue to do Bible, Science, History, and Read Alouds together.
I've been contemplating outside lessons and activities for the children. We went through a season last Spring and Summer during which we were involved with a LOT of stuff, and it just became TOO much. Our family time all but disappeared, and it wasn't long before we were all miserable. I do NOT want to go there again, so now we are SUPER picky about committing to lessons and activities. I think that for now, the problem has pretty much taken care of itself. My oldest DD is involved in a play at the local community theater that will keep her busy through the first of March. My middle DD has not expressed any interest lately in any outside activities, and my son is content to just plain PLAY OUTSIDE. So, we're not looking for any activities right now, although I confess that if I could find a convenient, affordable science class to which I could send all 3 kids, I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat! :) Science is the only subject that, given the choice, I would NOT teach!

So, those are some things I"m mulling over right now. Whatever 2008 brings, I will be, without a doubt,
Blessed Beyond Measure

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rethinking Some Things

I have never been one to make New Year's Resolutions, and I don't plan to start now. But, it has been my habit for years now to take some time at the start of each New Year to reflect on the past year, and to set goals for the coming year. We've been so busy this past week that today is the first time I've really had a chance to do that. As is typical of me, I have to sort of categorize my thoughts in order to clarify them. I use this blog for that a lot, so if you're brave enough to venture inside my head, then read on! :)

2007 was a year of tremendous spiritual growth for me. A lot of things that I have been taught all of my life really hit home and became 'concrete' for me in 2007. For Example:

I have been told that sometimes God lets us have what we THINK we want, so that we can truly SEE and KNOW that we didn't want it or need it as much as we thought we did. I KNOW that now, in a way I never really knew it before. God let me have some things in 2007 that I thought I really wanted, even thought I NEEDED, and I found out that things aren't always what they're cracked up to be.

My Dad is a preacher, and has been since I was an infant. Because of that, I have met and known MANY preachers throughout my lifetime. I know that preachers are not perfect, and that they all make mistakes, stumble, and some even knowingly preach things that are not the truth, or they preach only "selective" truth. It was not until 2007 though, that I actually experienced a preacher who said all the right things, but then did not live those things out at all, and I have seen how devestating that can be. I think many church members don't realize how much trust they place in their pastor, or how much they look to him as an example, until they see him stumble or fall, and see how deeply it affects them. It's hard enough when you are hurt by someone who claims to be a christian, but when the person who deeply wounds you is someone who has asked you to place yourself under his spiritual headship, that wound is devestating. I also learned though, that God can heal even those devestating wounds, and give you a heart to pray for the one who wounded you.

Another thing I've heard said since childhood is that often times, Christians can be the most vicious people in the world. I saw a bit of that during a situation that occured when I was a teenager. I witnessed a group of christians turn on a brother in Christ like a pack of wolves. But, being a teenager, I was still living at home with my parents, and was somewhat shielded from the full impact of that viciousness.

This year, I was able to look back on a situation that happened a year or so ago, and looking at it as an adult and as a christian, I could again see the viciousness of some of those that call themselves christians. I saw false accusations fly, I saw evidence "trumped up" to support those accusations, and I saw how it devestated one family. I know that family is in God's care, and that He will heal their hurts as well, but it has taken me a little longer this time to get over the fact that all of this hatred and visciousness took place smack in the middle of a church. What an absolute disgraceful shame!!

I learned, in 2007, that time spent DAILY alone with God and His Word is as important as air to breathe. I also learned that while many people feel compelled to give God the FIRST part of their time each day, I choose to give him my BEST time each day. For me, that is NOT first thing in the morning. When I was having my private time with God first thing in the morning, I found that it was often rushed and "foggy" because I am NOT a morning person. That is definitely not my best time! So, instead, I wait now until everyone else in the house is in bed. This often means going to bed at the same time as my dh, but then get back up after he goes to sleep. It's a WONDERFUL way to end the day, and I've found that I sleep better when I do this too! :)

What I've discovered about my marriage in 2007 is that I am a very, very lucky woman. I'm not bragging on me or my husband when I say that~I'm bragging on God. This year, I have seen marriages, both christian and non-christian, that are miserable. I've seen wives suffer with controlling, verbally abusive husbands. I've seen supposedly christian couples who snap and bark at each other like stray dogs; and others who seem to just ignore each other completely. Both are very sad to see, and I am just so thankful that my dh and I have the relationship that we have. We are very blessed.

I have some thoughts on Family and Homeschooling matters too, but I'm going to have dinner with my family now, so those will have to wait for a "Part 2" post.

In His Love,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Iread an interesting conversation on a homeschool message board this morning, and I'd like to hear what others think about it, so feel free to leave a comment if you like.

A group of homeschooling Mom's was discussing the practice of leaving gospel tracts in stores and other public places where it has not yet been forbidden.

One lady mentioned that she often leaves tracts with salvation messages stuck between the pages of library books. Another lady mentioned that on a recent trip to the library, she saw several "pro-homosexual" books in the children's section~books with titles like "One Dad, Two Dad, Red Dad, Blue Dad" and "Heather Has Two Mommies". She took these books and slid them behind some other books so that her own children wouldn't see them, as she felt her kids were not ready for the answers to the questions that these books might invite. She did NOT put the books back before leaving the library.

I was AMAZED at the reaction to this by some of the other folks on this board! Some said that leaving tracts in or on items in stores is sin because the store is not our personal property! Another person said that leaving tracts in library books and moving library books was vandalism!!!


Now honestly, I"ve laid books face down in the library before because I didn't want my kids to see them. I"ve never actually moved or hidden any, but I can't imagine calling it "sin" or "vandalism"!!

As for the tracts, what's wrong with leaving one inside a book? The person who finds it will either read and be blessed, or be annoyed and throw it away. What's the harm?

I am fine with the fact that some folks are not comfortable leaving tracts around, or moving offensive library books. But to call it sin and vandalism?! Good Grief, people, get a GRIP!!

Okay. ( Deep Breath). I feel better now!! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcoming a New Year

What Was SUPPOSED to Happen Today:

I was going to lay on the couch and watch the DVD's my husband gave me for Christmas while the kids played with all the neat stuff they got for Christmas, then I would read a book while dh watched a football game on tv tonight.

What ACTUALLY happened today:
We got a phone call this morning from my mil. Her news was this: My husbands aunt, J, who lives in Florida, suddenly and unexpectedly lost her husband this morning. We think it was a heart attack. J herself is very sick with what MAY be lung cancer, but we are not sure yet.

My dh's uncle, R, who has suffered with cancer for some time now, is much worse over the last couple of days. He is refusing to see anyone except his wife, his father, and my dh. Dh tried to go see him today, but he has recently moved, and dh could not find his house.

Dh's grandfather suffers from prostate cancer. But, because it is slow growing and Papa is of an advanced age, it has not been treated aggressively. It appears that the cancer may have spread. Dh will be taking his grandfather to the hospital for tests tomorrow.

Because my mil will be leaving in the morning to be with her sister in Florida, my neice, who usually stays with my mil when she's not in school, will be staying with me. She's 11, and I'm sure my 2 girls will be glad to have her here. And, my son will have one more girl to contend with, but he'll be okay :)

I feel so burdened for my dh tonight. He dearly loves his aunt J and uncle E( who passed away this morning) his uncle R, who is so ill with cancer and unsaved, and his grandfather, who is also sick. All this, and he has to get up at 5am tomorrow after being off since Dec 21. Yuck!

On the upside, we've had a wonderful time together as a family this holiday season. Even today, though it's been hard, has had it's nice moments. We even enjoyed our time together taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations. We have the peace of knowing that aunt J, uncle E, uncle R, and Papa are all in God's hands. Dh is going to try again to go see R tomorrow. So many times, he has seemed SO close to accepting Christ as his Savior. Please pray with us that He will come to know Christ before he leaves this life. All indications are that his time is short. But, we know that with God, all things are possible.

We also have birthday parties to plan! Our oldest child turns 10 in January, our youngest turns 6 in February, and our "middle" child turns 8 in March.

I"m also putting some thought into exactly what we will cover in our second semester of school, and how we will cover it. I want to make some changes to what we did during the first half of this year, but I"m not certain what those changes need to be just yet. Dh goes back to his "main" job tomorrow, but he doesn't return to his second job until Monday, so we probably won't start school until then. There would be no point to my trying to do any lessons with my neice here anyway, and she may be with us the rest of this week. So, I"ll be using the rest of this week as "teacher inservice" time for planning and organizing.

On a completely different note( my brain is random like this sometimes!) I read 2 FANTASTIC books this week! I am probably the last adult female in America who had NEVER read a Francine Rivers or Karen Kingsbury book before. This week, I read Francine Rivers book The Scarlet Thread and Karen Kingsbury's Even Now, and I LOVED them both!! Now, I'm reading Francine Rivers A Voice in the Wind. It's okay, but I"m not enjoying it as much as I did the first 2 I read. I can't wait to get my hands on some more Karen Kingsbury books!!

I've had tons of thoughts running through my head today about the New Year~how the Lord blessed us last year, and what goals I'd like to set for this year. But, I'm a bit too worn out tonight to organize those thoughts enough to post them. So, that will probably come tomorrow.

For tonight, I hope you all have a happy and blessed New Year, and that you will hold tight to our Heavenly Father's hand through whatever 2008 brings you.
In His Love,