Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Yesterday was one of THOSE days.....

My 5yo had NO interest in doing anything remotely related to learning to read. His mission for the day was to annoy his sisters and disrupt our mornings activities.

At one point, during his "pitching a fit" because he didn't want to do something that I asked him to do, he manaaged to hurt his finger. I did not SEE anything that could have hurt his hand, so I have no clue exactly how he managed to hurt his finger, but he was very timid about using it for the rest of the day.

Our history for the day consisted of some review questions. Keep in mind that I said REVIEW questions. My 2 girls sat there looking at me as if I were a complete stranger speaking a foreign language and they didn't understand a single word I was saying!!!! Grrrr!

Thank heavens for time alone last night to read my Bible and pray, and time to do that again this morning!!! How I thank God for the privelege of prayer!!

Today, the girls had a much better attitude about doing their school work. I suspect ( sheepish grin!) that it's because *I* had a much better attitude today as well!! There was actual joking and laughter taking place during our schoolwork this morning!!! And during SCIENCE, no less!!!

Now tell ME that God doesn't answer prayer! LOL!

Noah's hand seems to be all right. It looks like it might be just the tiniest bit swollen around one knuckle, but that's it. He can bend it, and is only slightly favoring that hand a bit. I think he may have "jammed" his finger a bit. Anyway, praiase God, it looks like it's going to be okay.

Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet hour of prayer
That calls me from a world of care
And bids me at my Father's throne
Make all my wants and wishes known.


Oh, what peace we often forfeit!
Oh, what needless pain we bear!
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.


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