Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Well, at least the kitchen in clean!!

Some of you will laugh at me for this post. Some will think I've lost my mind. Others, who ALL READY think that will just roll their eyes and think, yet again, this girl should really get some help!! LOL!

All of us, if we care to admit it, have that ONE thing that really freaks us out. I"m not talking about big things that ANY normal person would freak out over, like a serious illness, loss of a job, stuff like that. I'm talking about that one little thing that makes you ( pardon the expression!) scream like a girl.

For some, it's spiders, or bugs, and other 'creepy crawlies'. For some it's the dark, or small enclosed spaces. I have one friend who is terrified of driving on the interstate, but is fine everywhere else. We all have "our thing".

Well, my "thing" is mice/rats. Can't stand 'em, don't like em, don't wanna see, hear, smell, or even talk about 'em!!!!! Ugh, ugh, ugh, and UUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!
I want NO part of any mouse unless he talks and his name is Mickey!!!

This morning, I was forced to face my fears, so to speak. We do not have trash service in our rural area. We are forced to either pay astronomical prices for a private company to dispose of our trash, or else load it up and take it to the dump ourselves. One of the many reasons that I love my Dad is because he comes to my house 2 or 3 times a week and hauls my trash away in his pick up truck. This morning, he stopped by and I went to remove the bag from my kitchen trash can and toss it into the back of the truck.

I pulled the trash can toward me, and there, sitting still as a statue and STARING at me was a huge, fat, black RAT!!!!! EEEEEWWWW!!!! You will never know how much I praised the Lord that my Daddy was here when I found that thing!!!! The children and I, with much screaming and squealing( mostly from me!) beat a hasty retreat to the living room couch while my Dad used a small plastic dish that I was going to throw away anyway to capture and dispose of that nasty little creature!

The mere presence of that vile abomination in my kitchen led ( as it always does when I see a mouse) to a 'super scrubbing' of the entire kitchen. The floors, including corners and baseboards, every cabinet, EVERYTHING in the kitchen. I even took down some dishes that were on the top shelf of my cabinet. They were dusty from sitting up there for so long without being used, so I washed them all, then scrubbed the shelves before replacing the dishes.

So, I've had the heebie-jeebies all day long, very little school work got done today, and my 9yo daughter has been laughing at me all day, but hey, at least the kitchen is clean!!! LOL

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow! I'd have freaked out too!! We had a rat in our first house and I called my dad as soon as I saw it. He came to the rescue because C was at work and couldn't come right home.

If that were to happen today, I'd probably load up the kids and go to my dad's house and still let him come here and handle it!

Thank God for good Daddies!!