Friday, March 2, 2007

Integrity is not an accident!

I've been doing Beth Moore's study on Daniel with a group of ladies at church. I am LOVING this study, and I highly recommend it to everyone!!

One of the things that is really sticking with me in this study is that integrity is vital, and that it ONLY happens on purpose!

Integrity is not only what other people see~it is what you do when no one else is looking, and when no one else will ever know.

Integrity doesn't happen quickly in a moment of testing. It must be all ready embedded in us so that it can come to the surface in that moment when it's needed most.

So, how do we build our integrity? By reading and FOLLOWING God's Word. We build integrity by reading God's Word DAILY so that we can allow it to 'soak' into us, to truly become a part of our hearts. It won't happen by accident. It will ONLY happen on purpose.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I had a recent blog about a test of my integrity at LifeWay one day. It's true that it comes to the surface when no one's looking!