Friday, March 2, 2007

Math U See...and VALUES U See

Recently, because of a lot of conversation among the Moms in our local homeschooling group, I decided to do a diagnostic test with my daughter to see where she was in her math skills. I was unpleasantly surprised to find out that she was struggling with some math skills that I thought she 'had down pat'.

This eventually led me to order a math curriculum for both my girls. It's called Math-U-See, and after one week of use, we absolutely LOVE it! I am amazed at how my girls are learning with this curriculum! It's amazing to look at their faces and see that they are really GETTING the concepts, not just performing the functions!

So, why is this different from the math materials we have used in the past? Because in the past, I have attempted to TELL the kids how to count, add, subtract, etc. but with this curriculum, they can not only hear it, but SEE and TOUCH things that help them really KNOW the material.

This is exactly what we need in our daily lives. I can tell my kids all day long that it's important to spend time in God's Word and in prayer every day, but those are just words until they SEE me spending time in God's Word, and in prayer, and until they SEE and TOUCH their own Bibles, and learn to read the Word for themselves. THAT is when the idea of spending time with God each day will become real in their lives.

I can tell my kids all day long that we shouldn't take things that don't belong to us. But to truly KNOW that, they need to SEE me return the money when the cashier gives me too much change.

I can tell them that in our family, the priorities are: Our personal relationships with Christ, our family, our church, then everything else. But to KNOW that, they need to SEE both me and dh reading God's Word and praying so that we can know Christ better and be closer to Him. They need to experience us reading the Word and praying WITH them, so that THEY can know Christ better and be closer to Him.
They need to SEE and HEAR us telling the baseball coach that we will not play or practice on Sundays, because we will be in church, and spending the time between church services with our family.
They need to SEE us making choices that reflect the values we TELL them we live by.

What does your family need to SEE ?


Karen said...

Great analogy!

Math-U-See said...

that's a great analogy and welcome to the Math-U-See family.