Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Stay By the Stuff

From the time I graduated from high school until about 4 months before our first child was born, I worked "regular" job. So, I was used to adding to the income in our home.
Since I stopped working a paying job 10 years ago, my husband and I have experienced many financial hardships. I always had mixed feelings about this. First of all, it's frustrating to go through "tight" money times under ANY circumstance. Beyond that, I have often felt frustrated as I watch my husband work SO hard while I stay at home. This is because, since I left my last job, I have gotten phone calls every few months asking me if I'm interested in coming back to work. I allow myself to become frustrated because I find myself thinking "I COULD be working, bringing in a paycheck, then we wouldn't have these financial pressures, and money wouldn't be so tight all the time."

Then, I fall even further into thinking "I shouldn't be sitting here on my behind at home all day while dh works his tail off for us".
Now there IS a part of me that KNOWS how silly that is. I DON'T sit on my behind all day. Most days, I don't sit much at all! I cook, clean, take care of the bills, care for the children, and oh, did I mention that I also teach Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, and 4th Grade ?! Furthermore, my husband believes that as long as he is physically able to provide for us, it is HIS responsibility to do that, while my main responsibility is the care of our children and our home. I agree with that, and yet I still allow satan to whisper in my ear "Shame on you, staying in your nice warm bed while your husband gets up at 5am and heads out the door!"

But, Praise the Lord for that Voice of Truth!!! As I read my Bible a few days ago, I came to I Samuel 30:21-25. In this passage, David and his warriors have returned from battle and are about to divide the spoils among themselves. One soldier speaks up and says that the soldiers who actually went to the battlefield should receive a larger share of the loot than the ones who stayed behind to guard everyone's belongings while the battle was going on.

David said no to this. He told the soldier that those who fought would receive the same share of the reward as those who "stayed by the stuff".

The Lord used this to speak to my heart. That is what I do! It's what every Mom does who is called by the Lord to stay at home full time. We are "staying by the stuff"! I may not be out there on the front lines, facing the world every day like my husband does, but that is not my calling. My calling from the Lord is to be at home. I'm through listening to satan's lies. I consider it my duty and my honor to "stay by the stuff."
In His Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! I, too, often feel guilty for staying home while my dh goes out and earns a living for my family -- especially since I have absolutely NO desire to be in the workforce. You're right, though. I have a job that is just as important as my dh's...one that God ordained for me from the time He created the family.
