Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Optimism is a Gift From God

Somewhat to my surprise, I awoke feeling better today. I woke with thoughts of "This is a new day. Something FANTASTIC could happen today!"

I don't KNOW of anything fantastic that's on it's way, but it's nice to believe that it COULD happen. Any number of good things could happen today!

I know without a doubt that these thoughts that are with me this morning are a gift from God~one that I don't deserve, by the way.

I've done quite a bit of whining to God lately, and I confess that there are still some "What is going on with this situation, Lord?" kinds of questions floating around in my brain; but, He is a good, and loving , and merciful God, and He has given me assurance that things won't always be this way, and that there are good things on the way.

Nothing spectacular has happened to improve my frame of mind. God's just good, that's all.
Have a great day!

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