Wednesday, June 27, 2007

At Least I"m Not Bored!!

Here's today's "To Do" List

Laundry~2 loads, maybe 3

Vacuum entire house because I feel dirt when I walk barefoot in the house~ugh!

Mop kitchen and living room

Spend at least 30 minutes finding places to put some of the things displaced by the remodel in our kitchen.

Take care of some banking matters.

Wash the dishes.

Have myself and the children ready to leave by 4pm to head over to the church to dig costumes and other necessities for VBS out of the storage room.

Have microwavable meals ready to take with us since we will be eating our dinner at the church.

And in between, remember to hug my kiddos and to laugh as often as possible!!


Need Prayer? Or Need To PRAY?

I have had SO many things going on lately that I sometimes feel overwhelmed with it all, and I"ve been asking ALL of my christian friends to pray for me and my family. I am blessed with friends who I know WILL pray~not just SAY that they will pray. So, I am comforted by the knowledge that so many friends are praying for me right now, and I sure hope they don't stop!!

But, I've noticed something in myself. I talk to friends, or send out an email asking for THEIR prayers, but then I tend to rely on those prayers and find MYSELF not praying as much as I should. So, things don't go smoothly and I don't feel peace, and then I find myself thinking "Somebody isn't praying for me like they said they would!"

Well, duh! That SOMEBODY is me! Yes, I need the prayers of my family and friends, but so much more than that, *I* need to pray! I need to hang on to my time in prayer and in God's Word like the life preserver that it is.

I don't know if others have this problem too, or if it's just me. But, just in case you're struggling in a certain area and need prayer, please ask for it. You NEED prayer. Just don't forget that you also need to pray yourself.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Doing the Open Letter Thing Again

Dear UPS person:

I fully understand that your job is to deliver my package to my door. HOWEVER, a knock on said door to alert me that the package had arrived would have been nice considering that it was POURING rain, and you know, cardboard boxes don't hold up so well in torrential downpours. But, whatever. I feel sure that you are not the least bit concerned that I discovered the package JUST in time to keep the rain from ruining 250 wooden boat kits, muslin bags, shell necklace kits, and fishing nets for our Vacation Bible School. Cause it's not your job to worry about stuff like that, right? Yeah. So, anyway, thanks for nothing.

A disgruntled customer with a 30 pound soaking wet cardboard box in her living room

Dear Family Member:
I said something that hurt your feelings today, and I am SO sorry about that. BUT, I TOLD you that I was sorry, and you totally ignored me! So, you know what? I love you, and I really AM sorry that I said what I said, so, when you're done pouting or whatever, you know where to find me.

Your relative who was angry and said the wrong thing, then sad and embarrassed about having said the wrong thing, and is now back to being angry again because you're pouting like a 2 year old who needs a spanking.

Dear JAS:
I like you. I really, really do. Also, I like your family, and I do care about what happens to you, and to them. But, please, please understand that I cannot ignore my children and the work I need to do in order to have long, rambling, pointless conversations with a man who is not my husband. Maybe I'm a real prude, but it just doesn't seem appropriate to me. So please, for pete's sake, take the hints I keep dropping and DON"T make me be rude. PLEASE?!

Your friend from high school who has a family now and really would prefer to behave like an adult

Dear Idiots in Wal-Mart tonight:
Okay, first of all, MUST you stroll directly in front of a person with a cart at the pace of a snail, talking on your cell phone, snapping gum, AND blocking the aisle as if the people behind you have no lives and, like you, can afford to sqander 3 hours in a Wal-Mart?

Secondly, to the other idiot~the rest of us do not want to hear you yell at your child that you heard her the first 20 times she said something to you. We heard her too, and we don't need YOU to do an encore. Don't you ever wonder where SHE gets it from? Turn down the volume, lighten up, and for the love of pete, if you must scold like that, do it at home.
That person in Wal-Mart tonight who wanted to hug your kid and smack the snot out of you.

And there you have it, folks. My latest installment of "open letters". I feel SO much better now!!
Goodnight all!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thank you, Daddy

For teasing my sisters about how I was your favorite when I was little, and for letting me believe it.

For allowing me to spend lots of time with YOUR Daddy.

For showing confidence in my abilities, even when I was so very young.

For leading me to Christ at the age of almost 5, and not brushing me off as "too young".

For raising me in a home centered around the Word of God, and filled with love.

For loving my mom, and for wanting the whole world to KNOW that you loved this lady!!

For giving so many years of your life to ministering to others, and for including our whole family in that ministry.

For all those movie "dates".

For all the great vacations.

For working 2, and sometimes 3 jobs so I could attend a christian school.

For being my wonderful pastor for so many years.

For being such a great Sunday School teacher.

For loving my husband and my children as much as I do.

For speaking my language.

No one but my Daddy will understand that last one, but we have some "code words" that we use that only we and a few family members understand, and even though I'm now 36 years old, my Daddy and I still speak to each other in this "language" from time to time. My kids are picking it up too, and it's silly, but it's so much fun!!

Because of my Daddy, I know what it means to "live out" your relationship with Christ. And, because of Daddy, I can see the humor in almost anything, and I'll never be able to express how that has helped me through some tough situations.

So, this seems so simple, and so inadequate, but,

Thanks, Daddy.
With love,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Thoroughly Disgusted

And utterly repulsed

And sickened, disgusted, and just plain fed up.

This morning, on Dr James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio broadcast, which you can hear online at , he played an audio recording from a school assembly that took place at Boulder High School in Boulder, CO on April 10, 2007. This assembly was mandatorily attended by the students in grades 9-12.

A man stood up and introduced himself as a clinical psychologist. He went on to say, amid cheers and laughter from the students, that he was NOT there to tell them NOT to have sex, do drugs, or drink alcohol. He was there instead to share with them the "safe" and "smart" ways to do these things because, in his words, "I know you're going to do them anyway".

Excuse me??!! Are you KIDDING me?!

Oh, I see! I"ve been doing it wrong all these years! I"m supposed to tell my kids that it's okay to lie to me, because they're going to do it anyway.

I'm supposed to tell them that it's okay to treat each other badly, because they're going to do it anyway. It's okay to steal, because they're going to take things that don't belong to them anyway.


I have never heard such garbage in my entire life. The fact that the minds and hearts of innocent children are being filled with this absolute garbage just sickens me.

That psychologist, the speaker who followed him and endorsed his comments, the school administrators that set up this assembly, and every parent that DOESN'T protest this trash should be horse whipped.

I've been told that I should never say never, but right now, at this moment, I cannot imagine ANY set of circumstances that would EVER compel me or my husband to allow any of our children to be enrolled in a public school.

I'd sooner let my child play in a cesspool. For Cryin' Out Loud. :(


Oh, how I hate it!!!

I couldn't sleep last night, so I had some quiet time to think while everyone else was sleeping.

I was sort of griping to myself about the clutter that's in my house right now. I"m usually fairly quick to "de-clutter" areas of my house that get piled up because I just can't stand things being piled up. It makes me feel claustraphobic. But, you'd never know that if you looked at my house right now.

We have a room that is sort of our "playroom"~our computer is there, along with Noah's air hockey table and his train table, some toys, and most of the children's art supplies. This room is an open room, meaning that it has doorways, but no doors. AND~it's smack in the middle of the house. So, I generally get uptight when it gets cluttered.

This past Saturday, my Dad and my husband brought me 2 HUGE cabinets out of my grandmother's house. These things are big enough to hold nearly all of what is in this playroom~toys, books, art supplies, games, etc. But, in order to make room for them to bring the cabinets into the house, I had to pile everything in the middle of the playroom, on top of Noah's train table. It's a huge mess, and I , quite frankly, don't feel very motivated to clean it up!!

Last night, as I sat thinking and trying to bore myself into falling asleep, I started to wonder WHY I kept putting off cleaning up the clutter in the playroom.

I came to the conclusion that there is just too much clutter in other places right now for me to give the playroom priority. There is too much clutter, not so much in our house, but in our lives. At least, that's what I thought at first. Then, as I began to mentally run down the list of things we are currently involved in, I realized, it's isn't that much. Further more, the things that we are working on right now are things that we are certain the Lord has led us to do.

As I sat there, thinking, praying, and reading my Bible, the Lord opened my eyes to be able to see that the clutter I'm struggling with right now is not in my house, or in our schedule. It's in my own heart. My personal priorities are not where they should be.

I spend too much time reading emails and message boards, and not enough time in the Word of God. I'm also guilty of making time to do things I want to do and letting slide the things that I NEED to do. Much of that comes from selfishness.

I've been whinnig to the Lord a lot lately.

Instead of thanking Him that we've been financially blessed enough recently to not have to struggle so much with the bills, I find myself still whining that we don't have money for "extra" things like a vacation this year.

Instead of taking the best care that I can of the home the Lord has given us, I"ve been whining to the Lord that He isn't moving fast enough to show us His will about the possibility of moving into another house~something I want very much.

I've been cluttering up my heart and my mind with thoughts and wishes about the house we MIGHT move into, and the vacation we MIGHT get next year, and other things that MIGHT soon come to pass. There is nothing wrong with thinking about those things, but dwelling on what might be tomorrow has made me completely ineffective today.

Clutter!! Oh, how I hate it!!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

I don't wanna.....

Take the load of laundry that's in the dryer out
Put the clothes away
Put the load that's in the washer into the dryer
Move the stuff in our playroom that I piled up in there to make room for 2 new cabinets that my aunt gave me
Cook supper

What I would love to do right now is grab a suitcase, throw in some clothes, pile the kids into the van, and escape someplace for a few days!!!!

Not gonna happen, but it would be nice!!