Friday, September 26, 2008

They Just Didn't Know Any Better

I have often said that I am thankful for the fact that I attended Chrsitian schools, and that's true. I attended various christian schools from grade 1 to grade 12. My only experience with public school was in Kindergarten. And I AM thankful for that.

I am thankful for it because it gave me knowledge of the Bible that I would not have gotten from a public school. I was also taught subjects like science, history, and even math from a perspective that included God. That would not have happened in a public school. I also had less exposure to drugs, alcohol, and the like than I would likely have had in a public school. The christian school from wich I graduated was not free of those things, but they were less common there than in ps.

Still, my husband and I chose NOT to send our children to christian school. Furthermore, my own parents tell me now that if they had it to do over again, they would have chosen to homeschool me and my sisters. But, as my Mom says, they "just didn't know any better." My parents never heard of homeschooling and did not realize that there was such a thing until after I had graduated from high school.

In all honesty, I could not financially afford to put my kids in a christian school even if I wanted to. But the fact is that even if money were no object, I still wouldn't do it.


Because the label "Christian" doesn't mean that every student, or even every teacher in that school is necessarily going to behave like a christian.

Don't get me wrong. I know that no one is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes, including christians. But, my dh and I chose to keep our kids out of the school environment because .....

I was repeatedly made fun of by another student for being overweight. . .in a CHRISTIAN school.

I witnessed one girl being teased, hurt, and made fun of ALL through Junior High and High School. . .in a CHRISTIAN school.

I was repeatedly belittled, insulted, and once flat out accused of lying by a TEACHER. . .in a CHRISTIAN school.

I went to the principal about this teacher, and was told that *I* should change my behavior so that the teacher would no longer have cause to speak to me as she did . . .by the PRINCIPAL, in a CHRITIAN school.

My parents wrote a letter to the principal regarding the situation with the teacher, and it was completely ignored. . . in a CHRISTIAN school.

Sadly, it wasn't just me. I saw it happen to friends too. I had friends who violated school policies (sometimes unintentionally) but even after sincere apologies, were not extended any grace or mercy, and others who were disciplined IN school for behavior that took place OUTSIDE school. . . in a CHRISTIAN school.

I'm afraid those reading this blog post are going to assume that I"m bitter. I can assure you, I"m not. I truly AM thankful for the education I received, for the good teachers I had ( and I did have SOME good ones!) and for the friends I made in school. But I thank God every day for introducing me and my husband to a homeschooling family, and for leading us to make the choice to homeschool our own children.

To any one considering educational choices for thier own children, I urge you to learn all you can, consider carefully, and pray about your decision. Don't just assume that because a school has the word CHRISTIAN in it's name that it's the best place for your children to spend the majority of their waking hours.

I know beyond any shadow of doubt that my parents made the best choice available to them at the time for my education. But now, my Dad is a pastor and a homeschooling advocate, and my Mom is homeschooling my nephew. They both will tell you now that they wish they had done the same for me. They just didn't know any better.


1 comment:

Janet said...

AMEN! I agree with you 100% God blessed us with the gift of children and we need to show our thanks by bringing them up, not some underpaid disgruntled teacher. Christian or not! AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!