Monday, April 14, 2008

Your Math Lesson Is Done, So Stop Jumping On The Bed!!

Yes, I said those words to my son this morning, and when it came out, it sounded so odd, I just had to laugh. My son, who is in K, is practicing counting to 100 without stumbling over a few of the numbers, as he does now. Simply asking him to count to 100 usually leads to a battle of wills between the two of us. So, instead, I told him he could jump on my bed, and we would count the jumps together.

He was more than willing to go along with this, and both his sisters asked for a turn as well, so he got to practice counting to 100 3 times instead of just one!

I've been letting my daughter re-inforce her grammar lessons by using Mad Libs. Today, I decided we would do this together. When my daughter does these alone, she tends to "cheat" and read the whole story before filling in the blanks. It still helps to re-inforce grammar and parts of speech, but the game isn't as much fun that way.

So today, I held the Mad Lib book, and simply took turns asking each child to give me a noun, verb, adjective, etc., THEN we read the funny stories. I"m not "trying" to teach my Kindergartner grammar just yet, but he did NOT want to be left out of this game, so now, as a "bonus", he has learned what a noun is, what a verb is, and what an adjective is. A good time was had by all :)

Dh has changed his work routine yet again, but only a little bit this time, and for the better. He doesn't come home at 2:15 every afternoon anymore. He has gotten permission to clock in at his second job one hour earlier. This allows him to go straight from his first job to his second job, and get home each evening at 6:30 instead of 7:30. That allows us to have dinner a little earlier, and gives us a little bit more family time in the evenings.

In another 6 weeks, dh will have a 12 week break from his second job. We are all looking forward to having him home at 2pm every day during the summer!!

That may seem kind of silly, and maybe it's corny, but I miss my husband when he's at work! I"ll be glad when he can have a break from having to work such long days. I'm very thankful that after almost 14 years of marriage, I still miss my hubby when he's at work :)


Christina said...

That doesn't sound silly at all to me. My husband is my best friend and I miss him when he is gone to work, also. My dh usually works really long hours in the Summer, but has a lot of time off in the Winter since his job is affected by the weather. Though I hate the lack of money in Winter, I love when it is too cold for him to work and he gets to spend the day with us. So, I'm with you...hooray for more time with your husband!:)

jeannie said...

Jumping on the bed is such an great idea. ummmm

T & A said...

I love it when my dh is home! We always joke around that some day we will find the perfect "job" where he can stay home with us all the time and STILL make money! Haven't found it yet, but I'm thankful for the time that he is at home.