Today, I encountered someone who was lamenting the sad state of this country's public schools. The person then commented that they do not homeschool because they cannot afford to homeschool.
Okay. I GET that not every one is ever going to homeschool. I"m not even saying that everyone SHOULD homeschool. But, if you are going to give me a reason why you can't or won't homeschool, DON'T give me THAT ONE!
Yes, there are some families who spend several hundred dollars per school year, per child, to homeschool. But that is NOT the only way to educate your child.
If you can get to a library and fill out the card to obtain a FREE library card, then you CAN homeschool your children!! If you go to used book shops, yard sales, or swap meets with other homsechooling familes, you can homeschool your child for next to nothing! The sheer volume of free resources available on the internet is mind boggling!!
So, if you would never consider the thought of homeschooling, fine. Tell me that you think your children are better off in a traditional school. Tell me that you don't think you could do it. Tell me you don't want to do it. Best of all, tell me that God has not led you to homeschool your children, that it's not His will for your family. But to say that you don't homeschool because you can't afford it??
Don't give me that.
LOL! That's funny and true!
Hear, hear. A great resource is the book _Homeschooling on a Shoestring_.
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