Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thank you, Hank!!

I want to tell you about my friend Hank. Hank is 86 years old. He is a father of 2, grandfather of 4, and proud great grandfather of 1. Hank loves to talk about his children, his grandchildren, his beautiful little great granddaughter, and his beloved wife Betty, who passed away about 5 years ago.

But, those aren't the best parts of Hank's story. This afternoon, I had the blessing of being able to spend a couple of hours talking with Hank, and listening to his stories.

Hank is a former Prisoner of War. He was held captive by German soldiers for 4 months during World War 2. His survival is a miracle any way you look at it, but ESPECIALLY when you consider the fact that Hank is Jewish.

I don't mean that Hank has an ancestor somewhere in his background that was Jewish. Hank is absolutely, 100%, a direct descendant of the tribe of Benjamin. Six million of his Jewish brothers and sisters did NOT survive World War 2. The fact that Hank did is a miracle. But, as you listen to Hank tell his story, he will assure you that his survival of WW2 is NOT the greatest miracle he ever experienced.

Hank will tell you, quite enthusiastically, that the greatest miracle he ever experienced happend when, at the age of 83, he accompanied his son, daughter in law, and 2 granddaughters to church. As the preacher preached that day, the words suddenly began to make sense to Hank. The words from that King James Bible, given to him by a dear friend, that he's been reading at home, suddenly became very clear to him. When the pastor gave the invitation that day, then asked anyone who'd like to be saved to please come forward, Hank jumped up, shouted, "I want to be saved!" and RAN down that aisle!!

I got to hear the story again today~about the German stalag, the awful prison camp where Hank spent 4 months being beaten and starved. About all the ups and downs of life that came to Hank after that. And finally, about the glorious day when the Lord saved Hank's soul. I haven't enjoyed anything that much in a long time.

So, I just want to say thank you, Hank. Thank you for walking, for four days straight, with no food, and a German soldier pointing a gun at your head. Thank you for the four days you spent crammed onto a boxcar, one of 60 crammed into a space meant for no more than 40.

Thank you for those days when you got nothing but canned soup and a piece of bread. Thank you for those days, and there were many of them, when you got no food at all. Thank you for the scars you still carry from the beatings you took. Thank you for the 4 months you spent watching your friends die, and not knowing if you would live from one day to the next.
Because of the sacrifices you made, I have grown up in a free country. My children have never had to watch their father go off to war. We will all sleep safely tonight, because of the sacrifices you made then.

Thank you for hanging on back then, in spite of the fear you must have felt. Thank you for sharing your story with me now. Thank you for ending your story with your salvation experience, and for the absolute joy you show when you share it.

You make me proud to be an American, Hank, and even more proud to be a Christian. Thank you, my friend.


1 comment:

Christina said...

Wow! What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing Hank's story.