Monday, January 22, 2007

Growing Pains....for me AND the children

My children and I have experienced some 'growing pains' this morning.

I was 'hit' this morning with some MAJOR attitude from both my girls. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I was surprised by it.

We have a routine that we have had for a while now. Every morning, each of my children is expected to get up, get dressed, brush their hair and teeth, and make their own bed. These things are all to be done before they play or begin school work. Our current school routine is that they are to go over their AWANA material ~with my help if needed, and do one page in their math workbooks, again with my help if needed to explain a concept or instructions.

This morning, BOTH girls gave me very intense attitude about their AWANA work and math pages!! I was shocked! This has been our routine for over a month now, and this reaction seems to have come out of the blue!!

I said a silent prayer, and was able to CALMLY explain to both girls that we ALL have jobs to do~I then went on to explain a bit about their Daddy's job, how he works hard every day to take care of us, my job of caring for and teaching them, and caring for Daddy and our home. I reminded them that the shopping we were able to do this weekend is a fruit of all of Daddy's hard work, and how we all owe thanks to God for giving Daddy the ability and desire to work to support us, and how God expects us ALL to do our jobs, and to do them without grumbling and complaining. I was able to share Scripture with the girls to 'prove' what I said. I was also able to apologize to them for having failed in the past to be a good example to them. I have been guilty of complaining about my job~doing it, but doing it with a bad attitude. I HATE cooking. How many times have my children seen/heard me make dinner with a stinking, lousy attitude? or do the laundry, or scrub the bathroom, or whatever the job may be?

I could almost SEE the softening of both girls hearts. Oh, how I thank God for that! I shared with them that right now, their jobs are to help take care of our home because we are a family, and we ALL need to pitch in for the comfort of everyone, and to LEARN. Their schoolwork IS their job right now, and it's a job God expects them to do with a good attitude. I then explained to them that any further displays of bad attitude about work would result in EXTRA work.

In times past, this episode would have ruined the whole day for everyone in the house. But praise be to God, my little ones are growing in Him, and so am I. His grace and mercy continue to amaze me.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Just what I've been waiting to hear!!!

I have always hoped I'd raise at least one 'true reader'. Certainly, I want all my kids to learn to read. I praise the Lord that both my girls are good readers, and my son is well on his way in reading. But, I've always hoped that at least one of my kids would share my LOVE of reading.

I think my wish may have been granted. Rachel, who just turned 9, has been reading fluently for a while now, but has never really read for her own personal enjoyment. BUT, she asked for and received a 'Drake and Josh' book and a couple of 'Hanna Montana' books for her birthday.

Two nights ago, it finally happened. I called into the other room to tell Rachel that it was time to get ready for bed, and she called back "Please, Mom, can I just finish one more page?"

I was tickled to pieces! And yes, I let her finish the page! :)